Tenax Jet Self Polishing Varnish Spray .5 Ltr
Jet is a liquid aerosol. Apply to a non polished surface that was missed during fabrication or too hard to reach or polish. The varnish forms a film or coating on the surface that creates a polished look. Completely dry in 15 minutes. Cannot be walked on. Great for job site touch ups.
Make sure surface to be treated is clean and completely dry. Spread a thin and uniform layer on the surface. Wait a few minutes until the surface is dry. We suggest you test this product on a small hidden area before use.
This product treats approximately 161-215 sq. ft. depending on the porosity of the surface.
Shelf Life:
This product will last at least 6 months if kept between 65° and 77°. Keep away from heat, humidity and sunlight.