Liberon Purified Beeswax
Make your own beeswax polish! Purified Beeswax is made from 100% pure beeswax and is ideal for use as a furniture polish or for lubricating draw runners. It can be dissolved in pure turpentine, and is also suitable to be used as a traditional wood filler.
Directions for use:
Application: To make your own wax polish melt 100g of Purified Beeswax in a container. Remove from heat and stir in 100ml of Pure Turpentine. Pour the liquid into a suitable sealable container (not plastic), seal and allow to cool before use. For a harder polish added 10g of Carnauba Wax.
- Allow a day for beeswax and turpentine to mix into a polish with occasional stir
Important: Always mix products first in small quantities and test on an inconspicuous area to check colour, compatibility and end result.