Storm Windows: A Comprehensive Guide to Wood, Wood Combination, Aluminum, and Interior Storm Windows
Author: Steven Jordan
57 pages, 11 x 8.5 x .25
“Steve Jordan has been in the old-house repair and restoration business for forty-five years and has repaired and restored thousands of windows over the past twenty years.”
“Storm windows are supplementary window sashes mounted on the outside of the main (prime) window but sometimes inside of it. As window restoration contractor, I am constantly asked if storm windows are worthwhile or to recommend the best or most appropriate storm windows for the property I am working on. I seldom have a quick response because I do not know the homeowner’s budget or their preconceived notions about storm windows.
Some people prioritize a historic appearance over utility while others want the most trouble-free selection. Many homeowners think that all storm windows are unattractive or hide the beauty of their prime windows but storm windows are a lot like eyeglasses – we may look better without them, but when needed we choose a style that best blends, accentuates, or possibly improves our appearance. After years of providing opinions, I offer this brief but comprehensive guide to help homeowners make an informed choice.”